.::N E W S & U P D A T E S::.
Edited a great number of retarded things fucking up on the site. Lol these damn banners... and just for the record--the ad on this page is here--it's just the banner somehow makes it go byebye--lmao. I feel too lazy to fix it atm. I have an exam on wednesday, so tomorrow I will be studying out the ass for my history exam. *freaking hates history* ANYWAYS, the whole commenter from js-kit I got--is being a cunt, but I'll try to get it fixed--as soon as the page stretches like its supposed to. lol I remind myself that this is for the greater good. *rolls over and croaks* Another update is pending, and I'm updating as soon as possible. >: I am moving out this week, so I might be AFK for a while. But, I promise an update before then--xD; Also, profile images will be up tonight! :> Check those out soon!
The site is up and running! Still working on getting the comment thing together, but we'll see how that works out. *edit* Working on alot of other things, and I hope I can get that linkage problem that's been messing up the navigation buttons to get fixed. *more edit* lol fixed.